It's the New Year again. It's hard to believe a whole year has gone by. I just reread
last year's New Year post. I wonder how I did with my resolutions? Here they are:
1. Be sure to remember my seven habits, especially BE PROACTIVE!
I think I did OK with this one.
2. Spend more time traveling this year and visiting family, especially.
I visited family at least quarterly, and also went to Georgia for CE in September.
3. Always make time for crafting something, anything, at least once a week.
4. Play my dulcimer at least twice a week.
Hmm...could have done better with both of these; only so much time in a week. I am, however, much better overall at playing my dulcimer. Last year I could play NONE of the Christmas songs in my song book and this year I can play all of them, even though I'm slow at some of them.
5. Draw, watercolor or pastel something at least quarterly.
I didn't manage to make a fall artwork, but I did do something in all of the other quarters.
6. Cut down on the number of grocery bags we use this year. Try this instead.
I did manage to cut down on the grocery bags and have the handmade bag made out of Plarn MOSTLY done, but not 100%. I have been saving and collecting bags all year to make it out of. It's time-consuming.
7. Buy handmade or make most gifts this year.
I did pretty well with most gifts for my nieces' birthdays this year, but ran out of time on the Christmas ones. Again, only so much time in a week.
So, on to this year's resolutions. I may add to this over the next few days.
1. Work on time management. I never feel like I have enough time to do any of the things that I want to do, and my life is suffering for it. I seem to spend most of my life chronically stressed. My free time always feels like it's consumed with chores and errands and I rarely get to do the things I REALLY want to do, which are generally craft projects. In my ideal world, I'd love to add lots of things to my etsy shop and become a successful craft entrepreneur.
2. Keep trying to craft something at least once a week. See resolution 1.
3. Finish some of my unfinished projects. Again, see resolution 1.
4. Clean and organize my cabinets in the kitchen.5. Paint the craft room! I'm so tired of looking at the icky painted kid hand prints on the wall from the last family that lived here!
6. Spend more quality time with Aaron.We'll see what this next year brings. I intend also to keep working on my dulcimer playing and my artwork.