Thursday, July 28, 2011
The Goat Shed Has Arrived!
The fence goes in on Monday. I'm so excited for my new little pets to arrive!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Duck Pedicure
Duck Pedicure, a photo by elizabeth's*whimsies on Flickr.
Little's (Daisy's) children think that toes are really interesting, and perhaps if they moodle them enough, they might produce some green peas like fingers sometimes do. I started out this drippy Sunday with clean feet! Not so much any more!Little Duck (Daisy) thinks having all these children is exhausting!
These little guys are now almost five weeks old and are cute as buttons. I haven't decided yet whether to give them all away or keep some or all of them! I might keep some to keep my goats company in the pen on the other side of the yard. I will decide soon enough. The two mallard cross ducklings are male and I think all three of the calls are girls. This call baby has great coloring. We've been calling her Checkers because her little wing feathers came in first.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Margie and Gitta
These girls don't get photographed much, but they're so beautiful! They are Margie and Gitta Himstedt. It's a shame that Annette Himstedt is no longer producing dolls, because they are fantastically well-painted, beautifully detailed and just lovely! I need more clothing for them, though!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Charlotta in Liberty of London
I have been saving this fabric up for a long time! Charlotta needed something handmade, just for her, so I used a small piece of the Liberty lawn to make a dress for her. The waistband is accented by vintage lace and the collar line is embroidered. I plan on making a little crocheted shrug to go with it.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Bye bye, guys!
The little set of 4 ducklings (Hattie's babies) have gone to a new home as of yesterday! Hattie and Roger don't seem to mind a bit. I was sad to see them go, but they are in good hands and I'm confident they'll have a great life.
In other news, only about five more weeks till my goats come! Their shed's site is leveled and ready. The shed itself should arrive in a few weeks. I'm eagerly awaiting my new little friends.
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
I've been a happy vegetarian for 17 + years and a near vegan (I eat the eggs of my own, spoiled and happy chickens) for about a year. I am a vegetarian for many reasons, not the least of which is I see personality and individuality in each of the animals I interact with and killing and eating them goes against my nature and against the oath that I took when I became a veterinarian. Much as people don't want to know it, a chicken truly has a personality, as does a cow and pig and the family dog. I won't eat the family dog and I won't eat any of the others, as well. I'd like to share a great book and my Goodreads review of it:
Ninety-five: Meeting America's Farmed Animals in Stories and Photographs by No Voice Unheard
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I'm also currently reading Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, which is a logical, calm and open look at animal production. It's a great read so far. Ok, back off my soapbox and back to thinking about happier things!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Although somewhat melodramatic in places, this is a beautifully photographed book that talks about the personality and individuality of the featured animals. I found it to be consistent with what I know about the traditionally farmed animals that I keep as pets as well as those I interacted with when I was in veterinary school. It raises significant moral questions about the fate of animals kept in factory farms. Do Americans really know what they are eating and how much suffering goes into producing cheap meat, eggs and milk? If you don't know, you should make an active effort to find out. Willful ignorance and continued participation in a corrupt and unethical system makes you just as guilty as those who raise these animals in deplorable conditions just to provide you with a cheap chicken dinner.
I'm also currently reading Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, which is a logical, calm and open look at animal production. It's a great read so far. Ok, back off my soapbox and back to thinking about happier things!
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Zoe Effner
Zoe is modeling the newest dress I made. This dress is actually perfectly sized for Narsha and I designed it for Narsha, but it also fits Zoe. It's listed in my etsy shop.

Monday, July 04, 2011
April Cottage Fireplace
At last I am making some progress on April Cottage. I have nearly finished the fireplace. This is made from a block of styrofoam that I cut to the proper size. I then covered it with a thin layer of LaDoll airdry clay and shaped the stones into it. Once it's fully dry, I will tint it to match Cotswold limestone and then I will put a back on and a base on. It'll go in the parlor of my cottage.
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Anza the goat baby
I went to visit Anza yesterday! She is growing well and will come home in about 6 weeks.
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