The Rescue Mission had a tent sale last weekend. I wasn't intending to go in, but we stopped next door at the hardware store, and when we were done there we stepped into the tent. It was pouring rain and the rain was leaking under the tent edges and making everything damp and gloomy. We wandered up and down the rows of cheap tables, looking at what was mostly junk. I was about to leave and saw this basket. It's not the nicest basket; the handle is damaged and the trim is coming off. But it was full of vintage patterns. And at the bottom, there are vintage notions--buttons and rickrack and ribbon and thread. I couldn't leave it there, so I got it for 3.99. I brought it home and sorted it, and now I'm feeling sad for whatever lady used it. It's obviously well-used and full of patterns for ladies' clothing. There are a large number of maternity clothes patterns. I imagine that the owner of the box took up sewing when she was pregnant. There are later fashions that are Misses sizes and look to be from the 1970s. There is a scrap of grey and red plaid pants material at the bottom of the basket, and a fluorescent felt heart-shaped needle book with all the hallmarks of a child's first awkward sewing project, given to mother or grandmother and carefully preserved in her sewing basket all those years. For whatever lady used this basket for all those years until it ended up at the thrift store, I'll sort, clean and keep your sewing things, and think about you every time I use them.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Someone's Sewing Box
The Rescue Mission had a tent sale last weekend. I wasn't intending to go in, but we stopped next door at the hardware store, and when we were done there we stepped into the tent. It was pouring rain and the rain was leaking under the tent edges and making everything damp and gloomy. We wandered up and down the rows of cheap tables, looking at what was mostly junk. I was about to leave and saw this basket. It's not the nicest basket; the handle is damaged and the trim is coming off. But it was full of vintage patterns. And at the bottom, there are vintage notions--buttons and rickrack and ribbon and thread. I couldn't leave it there, so I got it for 3.99. I brought it home and sorted it, and now I'm feeling sad for whatever lady used it. It's obviously well-used and full of patterns for ladies' clothing. There are a large number of maternity clothes patterns. I imagine that the owner of the box took up sewing when she was pregnant. There are later fashions that are Misses sizes and look to be from the 1970s. There is a scrap of grey and red plaid pants material at the bottom of the basket, and a fluorescent felt heart-shaped needle book with all the hallmarks of a child's first awkward sewing project, given to mother or grandmother and carefully preserved in her sewing basket all those years. For whatever lady used this basket for all those years until it ended up at the thrift store, I'll sort, clean and keep your sewing things, and think about you every time I use them.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Rosen Lied Beige
At last! I had time to complete her dress and photograph her. This was what I was working on Thursday when the trees came down. This is April, by Rosen Lied. Her model name is Beige. She's going to be lots of fun if I can ever have time to make her more clothing.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Whichever way the wind blows
Don't worry, the chicken ladies are ok (and so are we), but we're all a bit shaken up. There was a thunderstorm here, and while we didn't get much rain, the wind was unlike anything I have ever experienced. It blew so hard, it blew a tree onto the coop. The roof is somewhat damaged and has a drip if it decides to rain. The ladies can't see out their front window, and my garden is SMASHED. I climbed into the mess and salvaged my tomato plants (I broke enough branches away that I think they'll be ok). There's a gap in the corner of the ladies' coop on the left, and as long as a weasel doesn't get in tonight, they'll be alright. The tree guys have been called and they will be here at 8 AM. They are dealing right now with LOTS of other people who have trees on their houses.

We are incredibly lucky. Two trees also blew down in the front yard and they missed the house by INCHES. They hit the gutters in the front. And they mis-aligned the satellite dish so we have no TV, but no windows are broken. My bushes are trashed, but I climbed under the mess and freed my rosebushes and I think they'll be OK with some pruning. My front yard has two giant craters in it. And one of the trees is across the power line and keeps slipping, so I'm not sure how long we'll have power for. The power guys have been called. My landscaping around under the base of those trees is destroyed. The Bergamot is uprooted and my azalea is on its side. :(

All in all, though, it could have been worse. We're lucky that the ladies are still alive and that no major damage was done to anything.
By the way, I am now also on Twitter.

We are incredibly lucky. Two trees also blew down in the front yard and they missed the house by INCHES. They hit the gutters in the front. And they mis-aligned the satellite dish so we have no TV, but no windows are broken. My bushes are trashed, but I climbed under the mess and freed my rosebushes and I think they'll be OK with some pruning. My front yard has two giant craters in it. And one of the trees is across the power line and keeps slipping, so I'm not sure how long we'll have power for. The power guys have been called. My landscaping around under the base of those trees is destroyed. The Bergamot is uprooted and my azalea is on its side. :(

By the way, I am now also on Twitter.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Bye Bye Boys
My boys have all gone to new, good homes. Alice is now named Pooka and lives with tons of girlfriends at a home nearby where he'll take good care of them. Here's a picture his new chicken-mom took of him with his new girls, and one by himself. He's a good guy and I hope his new family enjoys him!

The other four went to a lady in Spencer who has a small hobby farm. They will be chicken daddies at her place.
I'm never buying straight run chickens again! It's hard to get attached to them and then have them leave, but at least I feel like they're in good places where they won't be dinner! :O)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Not sure how this happened....
This was not in my plan! Yesterday morning I had no ducks. And somehow, now I have two!
Last night, my boss called me and asked if I knew how to raise a baby duck. I said I thought they were raised similarly to chickens. And he asked if he could bring the one over that his neighbors just gave him. Sucker that I am, I said sure...and the poor little guy was really lonely, so we checked Craigslist today for a companion and found a singleton duck in the next town over who was only a "little" older than my guy....however, I think he's a LOT older! Look at the size difference! So they're getting acquainted through hardware cloth. Hmm...I didn't plan on ducks, but I guess we can accommodate them with the chickens. We'll have to make an extension to the run. Or maybe they can have their own house on the other side of the yard.
Here are three of my girly Orpingtons today. They are in the scraggly stage and apologize for their scruffy appearance.

Sunday, June 14, 2009
A Little of Everything on a Sunny Sunday
It was lovely today. My chickies are growing nicely and have graduated up to the kiddie pool in the house. This was them during last week on the lawn. They're so cute!

My larger chickens are 10 weeks old now and the boys are quite handsome at this point. I need to find them homes! So I took a few pictures of them individually to try to get them re-homed. The girls (all the reds) are staying. This is Alice, in all his fine glory, tolerating being held.

I also finally made some dresses for the Annette Himstedt dolls I have had for a while. The one on the left is Gitta and on the right is Margie.

My larger chickens are 10 weeks old now and the boys are quite handsome at this point. I need to find them homes! So I took a few pictures of them individually to try to get them re-homed. The girls (all the reds) are staying. This is Alice, in all his fine glory, tolerating being held.
I also finally made some dresses for the Annette Himstedt dolls I have had for a while. The one on the left is Gitta and on the right is Margie.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Updated the Etsy Shop
I wish I could sew full time...I get more enjoyment out of this than anything else! I spent the day today (I have a few days off from work) sewing and updating my etsy shop. I made two pairs of cute jammies for the Chrysalis babies.
Poppy thinks she might smooch this cute piggy.

I also made a dress as a prize for a contest on Riley's Friends. That's one of my favorite groups and it's been so quiet there lately...hopefully more people participate.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Here we go again....
My five Orpington roosters are looking gorgeous and big...anyone want a really nice roo?
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