Left to right: pinafore style cover-up, linen with embroidered flowers, delicate yellow cotton with fine lace on hem, purple cotton with rickrack and an attached towel.

Left: black floral with pink bias tape binding, right: red gingham with chicken scratch embroidery. This one is all hand-sewn and beautifully done. I'll have to take more photos when the light is better--it's very gloomy today! There's a detail of the embroidery below.

And the sewing basket. It has a box of old hook and eye fasteners and snaps inside. It also has a top tray for organization and a green satin lining. It's very nice and in good condition.

I always wonder how these things end up at the thrift store. I imagine some old woman died and her family donated these things when they cleaned out her house. I was just delighted to find them, and put every last one of the aprons on the shelf into my basket. For $16, these finds made my day!