Friday, June 24, 2011

Daisy and her Ducklings

Daisy is a good mama. She loves her little duckies. They're just impossibly adorable.

In other news, I will be a goat mama later in the summer.  This is Anza!  Her photo was taken by her breeder, Marla. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Daisy Duck Has Babies!

Daisy has five children! I don't think any more will hatch and I think at least three of these are actually hatched from Hattie's eggs, but that's OK. Daisy doesn't know the difference and she loves them all. She lets me pick them up but no one else. She makes ugly mama duck faces at everyone else who tries to see them. Ducky babies are SO CUTE!

Someone is coming today to see my older set of ducklings.  I will be sad to see them go but they have grown up well and will be happy duckies!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Peony in June

Peony in June by elizabeth's*whimsies
Peony in June, a photo by elizabeth's*whimsies on Flickr.
These peonies are part of what I love about June! They smell so nice.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wistful Astrid

Wistful Astrid by elizabeth's*whimsies
Wistful Astrid, a photo by elizabeth's*whimsies on Flickr.
Part of the fun of ball-jointed dolls is seeing how they look with different hair and eyes or eye positions. This is Dollmore Narsha in a different wig than her usual red one. It makes her look completely different. I have also found it's very difficult to properly photograph her red wig in natural light! The sun makes it appear too brassy.  For comparison, click here.

I made a new dress for Astrid. She needed something of her own. It's basically impossible to find any dress patterns that fit her, so I drafted my own. In width, her torso is similar to Bitty Bethany's but it's longer and she's a lot taller. I will see whether this dress also fits Bitty Bethany sized dolls--I suspect it will but it will be long on them.

New Dress

I love the summer months. It's much easier to photograph dolls!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ahh...summer at last!

Willa relaxing by elizabeth's*whimsies
Willa relaxing, a photo by elizabeth's*whimsies on Flickr.
Willa is relaxing in the morning sunshine after picking a little wildflower for her hair. I made the dress from a pattern I drafted myself to fit her. The hem is embroidered with chicken-scratch embroidery, which looks so pretty but is very time consuming to do. I made it through nine episodes of Lost while working on this embroidery!

Here is a close up, just because she is so beautifully painted.  Lana is painting me another Little Darling, I'm happy to say!  She does such beautiful work!

Willa in summer sunshine
And another photo just because.

Willa's new dress

Monday, June 06, 2011

Just Ducky!

Miss Daisy has informed us that she, too, would like to raise a small family.  She is sitting on seven eggs, some of hers and some of Hattie's.  I have possible homes in the works for babies so I'm letting her sit on them.  They will be half Mallard and half Call. 
Roger and Hattie's children are getting very big.  I was gone for the weekend and they sprouted right up!  They are getting feathers.  In about two weeks they should be ready for new homes; just about when Daisy's children should hatch.  Anyone need a bitty baby ducky?


Friday, June 03, 2011

Carrot Embroidery

Pipos Curo in carrot embroidery

My Curo is modeling a drop-waisted light green cotton sleeveless dress with a wool felt embroidered jacket. I made two of this dress and put one on etsy, but the one on etsy has a blank front. Whoever purchases it can specify what they would like embroidered on the jacket front.