Not a very exciting photo, but this is an exciting project! We have been having a new run built for the chickens. My fantastic construction guy is building this to match the duck run with the change that the chicken run will have a solid cement floor to prevent any burrowing animals from getting in (like sneaky minks and weasels). I will finally be able to have some comfort that nothing will eat the girls if they are in here while I am out. As the construction guy said, if something gets into this run when he's done there was no way anyone could have stopped it! It is being lined with hardware cloth (1/2"). I will put sand down in there to keep the girls' feet comfortable and give them something to dust in (I will likely put an actual deeper sand box at one end) and roosts will be added in the corners for them to sit up on. It should be done by next Wednesday or Thursday. I'm so glad to be able to have this done! The chicken girls turned four a few weeks ago. They are laying really well for being older ladies. They make an average of 6-7 eggs per day from the 10 girls.
A closeup of the cement floor:
Spring appears to have finally arrived around here, after a lot of cold weather! I will have a new spring arrival in about a month; more about that later! Spring is the best time of the year!
