Thursday, January 20, 2011

New personality

New personality
Originally uploaded by elizabeth's*whimsies
My Dollmore Narsha was just not right. I couldn't seem to like her, no matter what I had her wearing. So, I erased her face, again, and repainted her for the third time. I think the third time's the charm, because now I like her face a lot better!  Her wig is ordered from Dollmore and fits correctly because it's made for her.  It's hard to find things to fit this doll.  Her torso is similar in width to Bitty Bethany Kish's torso, but her limbs are much longer.  She can share some clothes with the Effner Little Darlings, but they are loose on her, which does work well for certain styles.  Below, she's wearing an outfit I made for Emma Leigh Addison, which I will be listing on Etsy very soon. 

Dollmore Narsha

Here's a full view of the outfit, without the matching coat.  More about the outfit later--I'll blog it with Emma wearing it.

Blue Sleeveless Dress

1 comment:

  1. She looks very much like you Elizabeth! Beautiful!
