Monday, September 06, 2021

August 2021

 Now that it's September, here is a look back at our August.

We took a "vacation" to Ocean City, MD.  It was rife with a lot of complications and was not long enough to warrant the drive, but Olivia got to swim in the ocean and I enjoyed the beach sunsets when there were a not million people in the way!

We made a new friend for Olivia's Holly Noel doll (both dolls from patterns by Wee Wonderfuls).  The new friend is named Jane August, and her birthday is August 8.  Olivia loves her and Holly Noel is glad for a friend.

We made ourselves some Sparrow Post mailboxes, Tasha Tudor style.  I made a catalog of clothing for Holly and Jane and Olivia orders clothes and pays in buttons which she earns by doing chores around the house, as Tasha did with her children when they were small.  It is grand fun! 

We had an adventure with red squirrel infants that fell out of a tree.  We patiently waited for mom to come back and get them, and when she did not, we rounded them up with a butterfly net and cleaned and warmed them overnight and took them to certified wildlife rehabber the next day. They were infinitely cute.

We made art.

On August 28, we celebrated Tasha Tudor's birthday with artwork, reading, and tea.  It was a lovely day!  We wore dresses all day, even me.

It was a busy month but we clearly managed to squeeze some enjoyment out of it!

Monday, July 05, 2021



July has started out most beautifully upon the heels of a hot June.  My hennies are happy in their yard, which is overgrown with daisies that I refuse to mow.

Anza and company are pleased with the clippings of the volunteer ash trees that come up too close to the house foundation.

The flowers are blooming.  The birds are singing.  Breezes stir the aspen trees and afternoons stretch long and pleasant when we are not at work.

Olivia and I made some Felt Wee Folk, with instructions from Salley Mavor's book, and we also constructed a house for them, with no instructions. We used an old cardboard box and torn up egg cartons.  We have much furniture to make.

We have had some tea parties with fancy cups and tiny sandwiches.

We have both made watercolors.  Olivia's is the cottage.  Mine is my chickens.

The cats take comfortable afternoon naps.

And I have been reading Tasha Tudor's writings, both for grownups and children, and admiring her way of life and her philosophy and her watercolor artistry.

I have resumed my Smitten quilt.

And the Fluffy Cat has emerged from her self-imposed solitude to explore the craft room in her summer hairdo, purring all the while.

This is what my life should be always, not just on a rare few days off.  I refuse to concede that, as most Americans do, my life should consist of frantically rushing to work for most of every day, sometimes as much as 60 or more hours a week, rushing back home to prepare a terrible dinner for myself and Olivia which is usually pre-prepared junk if we are lucky or cereal if we are out of everything, falling into bed exhausted, and then getting up the next day to do it again and again.  Life should not be about being so stressed every day that you cannot enjoy your life at all and wish the misery would just end.  Life should not cause the loss of health and vision to the extent that you can see a future where you can no longer even experience those things that you enjoy the most in the world.  I opt out.  I will no longer kill myself with overwork and enslave myself to the wishes of everyone else in the world who happens to come along with a more assertive personality than I have.  I will not watch my child grow up in the blink of an eye with a single parent who can never even have the energy to do anything fun.  I will never go for years again with zero time to enjoy my life.  I will live in poverty before I ever do that again.  This is is my line in the sand.  I will enjoy my life and I will have time to do so.

Friday, June 04, 2021

Goat Goings-on

 I had to euthanize my friend Josie goat on May 14th.  She had a tumor that was giving her a lot of trouble and it finally became too much and it was time. She was always such a good little friend.  

Anza was desperately lonely and I had a big decision to make, whether to send her to another home with goats or whether to get a few more goats to keep her company.  In the end, I decided on getting a few more goats, because I could not imagine not keeping Anza.  She has been a goofy friend for ten years and I didn't want to let her go!  So we made the tough decision to find a few more goats.  We were able to locate a Nigerian Dwarf breeder who was downsizing her herd and was able to sell us two does, ages 7 and 5, mother and daughter.  The first few days were a bit rough.  Anza was confused, the new goats were confused, and there was some goat posturing and squabbling, but now they are getting along ok and Anza is back to eating well and acting like herself.  The new goats are fun and sweet.  Snickers is very bossy and absolutely is herd head!  Anza is a bit  put out by this but has adjusted.  

New girls:  left is Hope (5) and right is her mother, Snickers (7)

Anza, being silly!

Hope and Olivia

Snickers and Hope

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Little Lou II

 I painted this girl with acrylics from a porcelain kit from Allfordoll on Etsy. She's Little Lou II and is about 11 inches high. I washed her face off and repainted her about five times until I was more or less satisfied but I think with more practice I can do a better job. I made her dress from a pattern by Nedra, but I didn't feel like doing the pleats so I just gathered it and used some 1930's feed sack material to make a play dress. I'm happy enough with this girl. I can't decide whether to call her Lou or something else. I have a second kit to make up, which is the regular Little Lou. I already started her painting.

Saturday, January 09, 2021